• Proposal submission: by January 29, 2020.
  • Acceptance notification: by February 15, 2020.
  • Authors’ registration: by February 20, 2020.
  • Registration without paper or poster: by February 24, 2020.



We are pleased to invite you to submit your proposals for oral presentation and/or posters in Portuguese, English, French or Spanish. All proposals must be submitted electronically to, according to the guidelines below.

  • Requirements:
    • Title (Times New Roman font, size 14, bold);
    • Name of the author(s), email(s) and institution(s) of origin (Times New Roman font, size 10);
    • Abstract of paper or poster (Times New Roman font, size 12, maximum 400 words);
    • Keywords: maximum 5 (Times New Roman font, size 10);
    • Indication of the topic strand of the proposal;
    • Short author(s) biography (Times New Roman font, size 12, maximum 400 characters).
  • Page formatting: A4 (top left margin 3 cm, bottom right margin 2,5 cm), line spacing 1,5 pt, justified and hyphenated (necessary???))(no columns), numbered pages.
  • Footnotes and references: to be included at the end of the document according to APA 6th APA Style.



The registration is compulsory for all participants in the Colloquium, with or without paper or poster, and should be accomplished by sending an email to indicating the name and attaching payment confirmation. For the receipt, name, address and tax number should be provided.

  • Registration for participants with paper/poster: 50 €.
  • Registration for participants without paper/poster: 20 €.
  • Registration for students, teachers and members of APCOMTEC: 50% reduction (an identification card should be presented).
  • Registration for CLLC and CLUNL members, UA and UNL students: free (an institutional identification card should be presented)

Registration payment details:
Name of the Payee: Universidade de Aveiro
NIB: 0035 0836 0000 1785 2307 0
IBAN: PT 50 0035 0836 0000 1785 2307 0
Bank: Caixa Geral de Depósitos



Accepted proposals should be presented at the event by at least one of the authors.
Authors will have a maximum of 20 minutes to present. At the end of each panel, there will be time for discussion.



The papers presented at the Colloquium will be published in Revista 3Ts, after peer review by the Scientific Committee.